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Dr Jax Gives His Client Lana Smalls A Presciption Dicking Infront Of Her Boyfriend

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Dr Jax Gives His Client Lana Smalls A Presciption Dicking Infront Of Her Boyfriend
+ Suggérer Pornstar
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Vous avez déjà soumis le nom du modèle! - Lana and her boyfriend have been having relationship problems. So they made an appointment with a very well know Dr who has a good reputation for helping couples solve their relationship problems. Dr Jax asks what are the problems. Immediately Lana goes in on James with one complaint after another. Jax interrupts her and James as they started bickering and recommended this new WOKE therapy technique that has been working on a lot of his patients. Lana and James are willing to try anything to save their relationship. Jax asks both: Do you trust me? Both say yes, let's start this. Jax pulls out his huge cock and tells Lana to suck it! James starts to protest, Lana tells him to shut up! Jax is a Dr. and knows what he's doing! Jax then asks James: You are not anti WOKE are you?? James then says he's 'Woke'€ and tells Jax to proceed. Lana sucks the shit out of Jax's cock and gets her pussy pounded till she has problems speaking. Then Jax bust his nut on Lana's face and then she swallows it. Relationship saved!

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